Monday, March 30, 2009

Shop Update

i believe this is my first addition to the shop since my baby boy was born...i've been busy and i have had a great excuse...and milked it! no longer...(whip cracking)...spring is here and we may be entering a new craft show in may so i need to get going! i have been super busy sewing, but it has been for gifts...which i love doing....a little too much...i have a problem...but anyway back to the darling little smock here. i made a dress for charlotte...and then for elliette and still had fabric left over surprisingly so i was able to put together these two little smocks - i think i totalled it and i made 4 things from 3.5 yards of fabric...not too bad! its because i am a super anal thrifty cutter - i try not to waste any of it because fabric is not cheap! these little guys are fun to make - i made it with this pattern - super easy, in fact i made them both today while bodie slept and bryson did his own craft (cut up pieces of paper and got it EVERYWHERE and started gluing whatever scrap he could find to the times) but he was busy and not completely destroying anything so it was somewhat peaceful. i know it is horrible that i keep making him model and he was not too happy with me, especially since i made him go outside, but i needed to put it up in the shop and the thought of having to do a photo shoot was just not gunna happen for a while. we are getting excited about the show and expect more updates soon - tell your friends!

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