Sunday, March 22, 2009

placenta tree...

very pretty and the placenta flower is so sweet...(to the tune of the peter paul and mary song) which has been playing over and over in my head....which i am seriously over it...thanks mom and dad for all that wonderful folk music you played over and over and over...anyway...the reason it was playing in my head is because we finally took the placenta out of the freezer to plant it today. we had been planning on re-potting our pomegranate tree and when we did i wanted to plant the placenta along with it - that poor tree has not had too much luck...there are so many things one can do with ones placenta by the can eat it or dehydrate it and encapsulate it or use it to make art...umm...we planted it. i had wanted to plant bryson's too because it made me sad that the hospital just tosses something so special...but they said i couldn't have it and i didn't fight it. perhaps i should have. it has been in our freezer for 3 months. it was kinda sad taking it out because i liked freaking guests out - "where is the ice?" - "oh...its in the freezer next to the placenta" - "nevermind i like my drink room temperature"

bryson helped...he kept asking for more placenta...i tried explaining then promptly gave up. he spent the rest of the afternoon digging up the garden looking for placenta.

bryan was totally down with planting was the cutting up of it that did it to him...and perhaps he spent too much time looking at it. he kept making this face...

he has a thing with blood...i came home not too long ago and bryan was on the couch not looking too good - i asked him what was wrong and he was feeling all naseous because there were placenta remnants in the sink...poor guy.
here is our bodie will grow up with him since it is still very much a baby too...

1 comment:

Kaci Mae said...

I started thinking about this post yesterday on the way to the gym and got mad at you because I felt so sick just remembering it...and thinking about bits of placenta in the sink. Thanks a lot!!! I feel your pain, Bryan, and I wasn't even there. Carlee, life is never dull with you!