Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Home Made Cheez-its

Photo: Home made cheeze its...not very pretty but oh so very yummy! http://instagr.am/p/L8iKSOgCuP/Photo: Home made Cheeze Its!! I LOVE going to my aunts house! I get to see my three crazy cousins and yesterday we picked blackberries and made jam with them!

we made cheez-its this weekend using this recipe from Prudent Baby. I used aged white cheddar, so they have a bit of a bite - they did not pass the kid test so much in this house. Next time i will try and use sharp cheddar or maybe medium cheddar and see if the kiddos like them more. I also want to try and use this recipe too! so fun...making something you wouldn't think of making normally...

we ate them last night as croutons on our salad and it was genius...not to brag...too late...but pretty stinking genius. now i am thinking of maybe breading some fish with the crumbs and lightly saute-ing it inside a cheez-it jacket...how good does that sound? oh the possibilities!

1 comment:

Paige said...

CheezIt breading? Are you kidding me?! Please, let me know how it is. I am already salivating.