Saturday, April 17, 2010

gender neutral curtains

not knowing the gender of the unborn baby...and also preferring more gender neutral design in general...and also being quite let down in the kids' decorating scene...i decided to fashion my own curtains for the boys' room. i am in love with this linen. i used some in the comforter/quilt i am making and i had to get more. it was 50% off at Joann's and i should really get more...i would love a skirt of my own in it...making something for myself - what a novel idea :) anyway...i love this color combo of gray and orange...just neutral enough i think.

even with the 50% off i dont think i saved too much making these, but it makes me so happy to see things that i have made in use around the house.

what surprised me even more was that Bryson loves them! he told me so. he came in while i was putting Bodie to bed and said that he loves the spots. then he asked me how to make them. then he told me they were like the spots on my face (i am guessing he means freckles) that makes me even happier - when stuff i make is also appreciated...which is a rarity these days...dern opinionated boys :)

1 comment:

Solera said...

So cute Carlee! I love them!