so bryan had the boys for a day the week before we left for Colorado and he came home and Bryson spilled the beans that daddy bought a Christmas tree.
at first i was upset because i love to pick out our tree, but then i saw this in our backyard.
my own little Christmas garden!
he knows i am a little bit excited about Christmas...okay obsessed really...but this little garden makes me so so happy.
i want to put some light on that little tree - perhaps when we put lights up on the house. I know we will have leftover lights because we have moved since last Christmas and our old house had a lot more front to decorate, so why not decorate the back too?
i am fortunate to have married a man that loves to garden, because i enjoy it so much, but dont have the patience (or the desire for physical labor) that he does. but thankfully he does enjoy it and he thinks this space should be a seasonal little garden. which i think is just lovely, because one thing California is lacking in, is in case i forget i can look in our backyard and say...oh yeah...its supposed to be winter :)