Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Tiger Zoodie

this one was a custom order for a family its not up in the shop...because A) they take me a really long time and B) American Apparel does not make orange sweatshirts...but if it is something you would like, email me (carlee (at) zoodies (dot) com) and i would do it...for a reader/friend! it is a bit easier now after already doing it before, but it is quite a bit of cutting and sewing compared to say...the horse! 
this sweatshirt is velour and from gymboree and i found it on ebay....

i can not believe how much Bodie loved it...he kept going "grrrr" and chasing bryson and myself around the yard...he is not yet 2 and already his imagination is coming out! love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday My SEESTER!!!