Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Daybook Entry - January

This entry is inspired by The Simple Woman's Daybook)

Outside my window...80 degree weather in January...what is going on? 

I am thinking...this year my word will be INTENTIONAL. I long to see areas of my life improve because of my intentions, and hope to be more active this year to see those changes become a fact.

I am thankful...for so much. Trying to keep my heart centered on gratefulness because when I get off centered...we all lose it! 

In the kitchen...Roast Chicken tonight and going to try to roast carrots so they actually get eaten!

I am wearing...no sleeves and no socks- it is hot out there!

I am creating...not a whole lot...beer did manage to get bottled, but that is the only creative-ish thing lately...other than doodling with my boys. I do have some Re-Arranging thoughts happening

I am going...to clean out every closet in the next 3 months. How? By being intentional...ha! putting it on my calendar with reminders and planning a closet and time to do it. In preparation for a big yard sale this Spring!

I am wondering...what is in store for us this year? 

I am reading...Dead End in Norvelt by Jack Gantos. Also Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey

I am hoping...I can get all my year end accounting finished up by next week. Here is to hoping!

I am looking forward to...a sister/mother girl getaway!

I am learning...to listen to my heart over my head in certain issues. 

Around the house...piles screaming at me! I want to be more intentional on organizing and use of space this year. Time to de-clutter and simplify all around! 

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