Sunday, October 17, 2010

we're famous in russia...

this is too all of the sudden have been getting a lot of orders for doggie zoodies this week...which is weird because before this week i had only sold 1 ever. so i checked my shop's analytics to see if maybe a blog featured the doggie or something...and i couldn't find anything...but i did find this blog: called 4 Joy...its in russian...and what is even funnier is that i had google translate the page for me and this is what it said:

Funny costumes from «Zoodies»

I hasten to share the news of a fresh collection of fun! This is probably one of the most unusual line of children's clothes, which I have ever told! If you're tired of fancy costumes à la the police and the pirates, then maybe you will win some of the fun clothes brand "Zoodies"?
Lead designer «Zoodies» Carly herself is the mother of two adorable kids, and so is well aware of who also want to dress up our urchins on Halloween! For Halloween parties Carly came up with amusing line of clothing with animalistic motives. You can pick up her baby almost any costume: a horse, a dinosaur, skunk and even a koala!
The web site of all children's sizes for boys aged up to about 10-11 years.

 Hilarious! i love dressing up our urchins...and i hope people don't think they could pick up MY baby any costume...although i guess that would be nice, no?


Angie said...

Oh, you and your "animalistic motives". I guess that's how you ended up with three boys....

That's so cute! Hey, we like their Vodka, glad to know they like our style!

Rashelle said...

Hmm, Peter and the Wolf theme coming soon?

I like that fancy costumes are police and pirates... said...

HILAR! How did they pick you up? I love it and I love your amusing line of clothing. ;)
