Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Maundy Thursday more like it...He is risen! Hallelujah Indeed!

Thank you for your kind words and emails about my breakdown yesterday. They lifted my spirit and confirmed what I knew to be true - that we are designed for community and this crazy internet thing is just us being human and learning how else we can reach out.

Spring truly provides a great background for the ongoing narrative of death and life and reminds us of that inevitable cycle. I hope that this holiday weekend finds you and yours celebrating that! we are off to Santa Barbara for a weekend of relaxing and celebrating and egg-hunting. i will leave you with some pics of my last Easter sewing project...linen pants for the busy body bodie boy...i could not get a great pic of him - he does not know how to stand still quite yet - ha! plus right after i took these pics he spilled blackberries all over them and threw some dirt on top of it...i gave i should have!


the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

That's the Bodester? He looks like he has red hair in the bottom pic!

Anonymous said...

Totally loving the pockets on these babies. Did you design them yourself?