* now that Bodie is walking...baby-ness is officially over. this has caused much sadness with my mama heart...especially since Bodie is such a "baby" baby...do you know what i mean? bryson has wanted to grow up since he came into this world...even now he asks me how old does he have to be until he can live on his own and drive a car. just that independent spirit - and i get it...i am it too...i love that part of bryson because it is going to serve him so well in his life...so for that reason his growing up has made me proud and now i am having this opposite reaction with Bodie...watching him grow up makes me sad - a little too much i think.
* look at this picture...Bodie likes to get in corners and just cheese it up...he has been doing it all week - what is that about?
* I am loving Ryan's new maternity series - i followed the one he did for his wife because she also had a homebirth and was due just months after i was due with Bodie - and now he is doing this for their friend and i just love it!
* Bryson was gone last week with his grandparents up north - he grew like an inch and came back with all these new phrases like, "that darn cat" and " oh my word...what am i going to do with all these buttons?" and other very grown up - not-4-ish-at-all expressions that are cracking me up.
* the other pic is of Bryan's near nightly wrastling adventures of which Bodie is now trying to participate - he loves it so much its scary...i have boys...did i mention that - BOYS...capitalized...
*LOVE is in the air! we have been keeping busy this week with making some valentines and some candy necklaces and painting hearts...i am needing a celebration of love these days and intend on many a more craft sesh...plus i have like 10 dresses i need to sew...and some time to sew them...i am excited for some new patterns and can't wait to show you all!
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