they have been working their pseudo-tushies off on this project and have hired a marketing group to help them with their marketing, image, website, etc. one thing that they told them as a group that their argyle sweaters were too "safe" and they needed to push the envelope...ummmm...(picture me raising my hand fervently in the air) "i'll help!" i have been continually pushing my opinion on them from the beginning...i helped style their smaller co-stars in one of the music videos (again more to post when the album releases) plus i have been styling my amazingly gorgeous husband for his auditions for of course i pushed myself on this job!
i immediately started searching for that perfect sweater and found an amazing one here for bryan. what i loved about the etsy shop Volcanoland is that when i received the package they had written all over it with geometric shapes and wrote "party time excellent" and "stay cool" p.s. in the cool part they used the o's as eyes and drew a
not to mention how rad this sweater is! it may or may not be a woman's sweater, but just picture it with the sleeves rolled up and a collered shirt (i am picturing teal) underneath...i think you get the RAD picture i am proposing are you not? i think it cost $14. not bad...and it was such a hit with the other pseudos that they have now designated me as their sweater stylist....oooooohhhh yeah! i accept! and i will deliver!
Oh dear...
Umm, AC Slater called...
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