have you ever heard of geocaching?
it is awesome for kids...and big kids...
its a treasure hunt and if you have a smart phone you can do it too for free!
at least that is how i do it...with my droid...
geochaching.com is the place to start if you want to get started.
let me just say that if you are looking for a way to get your kids to hike with you, this is the way!! bryson would have never climbed the hill we climbed if there was not "treasure" at the top waiting for us.
the geo points can really only get you within 20-30 ft of the actual cache - then you need to start searching and thinking like the cache planter...
be prepared and bring a little something to replace some of the "treasure" (we like to stock up on $.25 machine goodies like rings and homies and bouncie balls and things like that)
be sure to sign the log and to track your caches on the site - as a record for where you have been!
make sure not to get spotted! they call people who don't share the love of geocaching "muggles"
make sure not to promise a find to the kiddos...sometimes it can be tricky!
have fun! hope to help encourage a lifelong cacher!